Pictured: Meagan Murphy (Left), Eryn Diehl (Right)
Written by Jeremy Kadetsky
Directed by Marisa Conroy
Pictures provided by Jeremy Kadetsky
Water, that everlasting, glistening lifeforce… how can we keep the stream going? Sasha, a jaded hiker with a panache for one-liners, asks this question until language is exhausted and the Anthropocene ends. Sasha learns from the water—about precarity and insecurity and one’s responsibilities in a changed world.
Pictured: Top: Eryn Diehl (Left), Ella Baker-Smith (Right). Bottom: Megan Hamm as Thomas.
Pictured: Amari Price-Cotten
Pictured: Ella Baker-Smith as Stream (top), Eryn Diehl as Younger Sasha (Bottom).
Costume design by Genevieve Chiapetta
Sound design by Mia Harada
Scenic design by red
Pictured: Meagan Murphy as Elder Sasha (Left), Amari Price-Cotten as Only Child (Right).